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Quality control or design problem with CCR-1009?

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 10:46 pm
by russman
I've purchased many CCRs and we recently started purchasing the CCR-1009 series of router for business customers that desire dual power supplies in their rack mount hardware. Anyway, I've probably only purchased 8-10 of 1009 series, now this is a small test group but considering of the 8-10 I've purchased 20%-25% of the (or 2 units) failed in a short period of time. The most recent one (today) was installed in an large international companies data center with clean power, enterprise grade UPS system, and climate controlled environment and it completely died within a week. Its death was identical to the last one that died, no LED activity, no fans spinning, no beeps, no burnt smell, just nothing.

Is anyone else seeing this or is it just a run of bad luck with the new CCR-1009's?

Re: Quality control or design problem with CCR-1009?

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 3:52 am
by lunchboxrts
I've purchased many CCRs and we recently started purchasing the CCR-1009 series of router for business customers that desire dual power supplies in their rack mount hardware. Anyway, I've probably only purchased 8-10 of 1009 series, now this is a small test group but considering of the 8-10 I've purchased 20%-25% of the (or 2 units) failed in a short period of time. The most recent one (today) was installed in an large international companies data center with clean power, enterprise grade UPS system, and climate controlled environment and it completely died within a week. Its death was identical to the last one that died, no LED activity, no fans spinning, no beeps, no burnt smell, just nothing.

Is anyone else seeing this or is it just a run of bad luck with the new CCR-1009's?
I have 7 in production and so far no issues. The 8th is on my bench ready to go in and I don't expect any issues but fingers crossed.

Re: Quality control or design problem with CCR-1009?

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 4:31 am
by paoloaga
Is anyone else seeing this or is it just a run of bad luck with the new CCR-1009's?
I have more than 20 in production and never had any single issue.

Re: Quality control or design problem with CCR-1009?

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 9:15 pm
by lunchboxrts
spoke to soon, the one my bench died suddenly about an hour ago. no power, no lights, no fans.

Re: Quality control or design problem with CCR-1009?

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 10:21 pm
by margi412
i have experienced same issue. we got first batch of 6 and one failed. no light, no fan, no activity.

Re: Quality control or design problem with CCR-1009?

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2014 11:49 pm
by lunchboxrts
i have experienced same issue. we got first batch of 6 and one failed. no light, no fan, no activity.
I am trying to get my distributor to replace it. So far no luck. Mikrotik, have anything to say about the issue and distributors saying that this is not an issue?

Re: Quality control or design problem with CCR-1009?

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 9:43 am
by nz_monkey
AFAIK this is a known hardware issue on a small percentage of CCR1009 that shipped with RouterOS earlier than 6.18

Your distributor should be able to sort it out.

Re: Quality control or design problem with CCR-1009?

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 8:36 pm
by bluestu
I wish I had seen this before I opened my thread here -> I thought I was alone

Of 4 units we've had 2 fail. 50% in total. Also in large corporates making us look crap.

Fix ASAP please.