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Limit Access to particular IP

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 5:14 pm
by Gervw

I have setup a network with 3x VLans using Mtk 450 and Dlink Layer 2 switch.

I would like to limit access to a single IP on Vlan10

I have tried a 1st rule in Ip Firewall chain=forward, dest IP=, in interface=Vlan 11, out interface=vlan10, action=drop
I expected that this rule would block all traffic to ... But it does nothing

Where have I gone wrong?

Thanks in advance

Re: Limit Access to particular IP

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 8:48 pm
by cbrown
What kind of access are you trying to limit? Give some more detail of what you are trying to accomplish.

Re: Limit Access to particular IP

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 11:31 pm
by Gervw
Thanks for replying.

It is a server on Vlan 10 which I only want users on Vlan 10 to access data on it.
However with the below mentioned filter I am still able to ping and explore the server from all Vlans

Also there is a printer on Vlan 12 which the server would need to print to. If possible maybe only allow printer fixed ip from vlan 12 to vlan 10

Thanks in advance.