Hello there,
I'm posting this situation due to the fact that, after a lot of searching, reading and testing based on Queue tree examples for controling the internet bandwidth usage I wasn't successful implementing a Queue tree like the next one:
DOWNLOAD_TOTAL (Max limit: 10Mbps) <-- parent
-Network1_download (max limit: 4Mbps) <-- child of DOWNLOAD_TOTAL
-Network2_download (max limit: 2Mbps) <-- child of DOWNLOAD_TOTAL
-Network3_download (max limit: 1Mbps) <-- child of DOWNLOAD_TOTAL
UPLOAD_TOTAL (Max limit: 4Mbps) <-- parent
-Network1_upload (max limit: 2Mbps) <-- child of UPLOAD_TOTAL
-Network2_upload (max limit: 1Mbps) <-- child of UPLOAD_TOTAL
-Network3_upload (max limit: 512kbps) <-- child of UPLOAD_TOTAL
Using simple queues I can limit the bandwidth for each network based on their network address (i.e. separately no problem at all but that's not what I'm looking to achieve here.
I'm looking to have two parents (DOWNLOAD_TOTAL and UPLOAD_TOTAL) and their children would be the download and upload limits respectively like the tree scheme presented above (nothing fancy at all but not getting there unfortunatly...)
I tryed different kinds of connection and packets marking in the mangles (forward, prerouting, postrouting, etc) but I just can't get how to create the parents traffic marking to work so that they would be the "MASTER" of the total type bandwidth (download or upload) they supposed to manage.
Like I said, the objective I'm trying to achieve isn't that fancy but I've been in circles around it for quite some time now.
For testing purposes I have a simple network scheme mounted like the next image:
Any guidelines how to achieve such a bandwidth queue tree?
Thanks in advance to everyone