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Global Variable SNMP oid
Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 10:08 pm
by slackR
I've been thinking about how to use SNMP to graph data like DHCP lease count in ROS. Then I thought it would be very useful if ROS could make an SNMP oid point to global script variable so that you could schedule a script to pull any value you want. Then you could retreve the value with SNMP.
DHCP lease count
BGP prefix count
BGP/VPN peer uptime
route hop count
Wireless client registration count
Custom script values for endless uses
Re: Global Variable SNMP oid
Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2016 9:26 pm
by wispgeek
This is a very useful feature for monitoring which many of us do using snmp, I personally run zabbix.
I'm wondering if there is any chance that this feature is being implemented?
I would currently like to query a count of addresses in a particular list, but can see future uses for passing variables via snmp if it were available.
Re: Global Variable SNMP oid
Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2018 12:02 pm
by isoplayert
am working on a solution that is based on LTE interfaces and i want to create a script that run every 1 min and send USSD code inquering about the SIM data balance and store that value in a global variable , it would be realy nice and helpfull if i can pass this value with custome-user OID and view it on the Dude Server , and make the dude notifying me if a data-balance is reaching certain threshold.
please add this feature to the ROS
Re: Global Variable SNMP oid
Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2018 10:54 pm
by isoplayert
for my case i found another approach to view global variable on Dude's screen , since the dude can connect to mikrotik CPE using SNMP or ROS , i can pull the global variable using the ROS method
for example we can add in the appearance for a device the following code in appearance>>label
[ros_command(":put $MyVar")]
and it will be displayed in the label of your device
hope it will help
Re: Global Variable SNMP oid
Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2018 11:08 pm
by Jotne
Then I thought it would be very useful if ROS could make an SNMP oid point to global script variable so that you could schedule a script to pull any value you want. Then you could retreve the value with SNMP.
This is exactly how I do it, but insted of SNMP I do use Syslog.
Se my thread about logging and example for DHCP etc here:
Re: Global Variable SNMP oid
Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2021 11:57 am
by indi
We second this but not just for global variables. Our use case is to store script generated data in the variables and then retrieve it through SNMP OID, more specifically bandwidth test results, that we can later graph and alert on in our NMS.
So, please add "/environment print oid". Would also like to see them in somewhat static numbering, maybe numbered by alpabetical variable name order or similar.
We are aware of the workarounds with using unused entity names etc but we think putting real OID's on the variables would be more correct.