Hi guys
i need a hand here
i am testing a api php on a RB450G which i can run in terminal the /system health print cmd and it outputs the voltage and CPU temperatura
now i am trying to export it in my api php
i am using the follwogin function
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<h3>System Health</h3>
<?php $ARRAY = $API->comm("/system/health/print");
$voltage = $ARRAY['0']['voltage']/1048576;
<p><?php echo " ".round($voltage,1)."V"; ?><sup style="font-size: 20px"></sup></p>
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But the output displays 0V
I am using a similar function which works
$ARRAY = $API->comm("/system/resource/print");
$ramtotal = $ARRAY['0']['total-memory']/1048576;
<?php echo " ".round($ramtotal,1)." MB"; ?><sup style="font-size: 20px"></sup> Total</p>
which displays the Total Memory Available on the system
Any help will be appreciated on how to get the Print of to display from Voltage and CPU temperature