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RB912 and Sierra Wireless MC7710 LTE card

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 8:16 pm
by emzeperx
On a remote site I hade to give internet access to the user. As no cables were available the only option was 3G access, so I had to create a 3G router with an external antenna. I searched many forums for the setup steps. This was quite challenging, so I decided to share what I did. (forgive "bugs" this is my very first post:) )

Fot LTE support you need 5.25+ RouterOS, I have best experiences with 6.4
1, Insert the sim card, preferrably with an unlocked pin code
2, Install the MC7710 card and connect the GSM antennas
3, Power up the device and log in
4, At System / RouterBorad / USB -> change to Mini PCIe so the MC7710 "gets connected"
5, Reboot the board
6, You get 2 new, auto-generated interfaces: lte1 and ppp-out1
If these do not show up there is a good chance the the MC7710 has an outdated firmware, you have to upgrade it to the supported version. As the MC7710 is a directip device just forget about the ppp-out1 interface, you will not need it at all
7, Open lte1 interface and add the details - PIN, user, password if needed and do not forget the APN. No modem init is required, just leave it empty. If you want to limit Network mode (for example there is LTE coverage, but not by your sim card's provider) just change Network mode to the desired one. Auto will choose the most up-to-date network available, but not the accessible one - if provider A has LTE network, you have B, that gives only 3G the connection will fail as the modem wants to use LTE but provider A will not accesspt B's sim card.
8, Add a DHCP client for the lte1 interface to get an IP address
9, Your LTE connection is now up and running. Set up rest of the features (routes, firewall rules) using lte1 interface as an ordinary wan interface.

If you need to upgrade firmware of MC7710:
1, Connect the card to your computer (mini pcie slot, or usb adapter is required)
2, Install all drivers to have full funcionality. I did not successed with the official drivers (win 8.1 x64), so I used "Fujitsu_Lifebook_T5010_ATT_SA For WinXP_Vista_7" driver. Worked fine for me
3, Download the new firmware (this is not the newest one, but supported): ... _23_2_dip/
4, Run the .exe file and wait. Upgrade takes about 10 minutes

Re: RB912 and Sierra Wireless MC7710 LTE card

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 9:28 am
by bashywash
I wanted to thank you for taking your time to go over in detail setting this up. It really helped me.

Re: RB912 and Sierra Wireless MC7710 LTE card

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 11:18 am
by Tiran83
How many antennas(pigtail) did you connect to MC7710? and on which port did you connect? (i suppose you connect one on main,second ?)
I watch some video
The guy says for best results for LTE you need to connect 2 antennas.

have a nice day

Re: RB912 and Sierra Wireless MC7710 LTE card

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2015 12:50 pm
by emzeperx
Hi Tiran83,

I used both antennas.
