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Openwrt wifi clients signal SNMP

Mon Feb 16, 2015 11:47 am

Can any one tell me what config to use in snmpd.conf of openwrt so that it will display the connections stations (Registration table) signal noice etc in dude
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Re: Openwrt wifi clients signal SNMP

Tue Feb 17, 2015 10:53 pm

I doubt there is anything built-in that does what you want. openwrt might not even populate the values into the table. Lets first assume that the values of username and signal level for each client is listed in snmp in openwrt.

First setup SNMP on the device, if you can use snmpwalk to examine the information base then you can start looking through the OIDs. If it exists you will see a section that has just usernames and another section that has just signal level. They will be related by the last digit in the oid.

For example IF oid is the username of the first user connected the signal level could be
You might be able to put the array of information in a device label such that username and signal would be side by side.

[(oid_column"")) ][oid_column("")]
(I doubt this would display correctly, you will need to try some varations)

You can make a total users label like so...
Total Users: [array_size(oid_column(""",10,0))]
The array_size just counts the total columns since oid_column returns the entire column. (They happen to be rows but who is counting)

Once again for any of this to work openwrt has to actually populate many oids with clients and signal levels. The above oids are examples and are not really the locations that contain the data that you are looking for.


Note; The comma10 comma 0 in the last example specify how to cache the result.
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Re: Openwrt wifi clients signal SNMP

Sat Sep 15, 2018 1:43 pm

There are no any OIDs in the OpenWRT v.18.06 according to wireless clients, their MACs, RSSI, SNR, etc.

You can monitor only wlan interfaces global data like octets, errors, etc.

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