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User Manager "Client" Cant Login By PPPoE

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 4:04 am
by mdsekawsar
Hey Guys,

Please help me. I am newbie on mikrotik. I have setup each configuration with proper settings for user manager. When I am going to access internet by PPPoE, some error is showing up. I took a screen shot and upload here for your better references. Please help me to solve this problem.


Re: User Manager "Client" Cant Login By PPPoE

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 11:04 am
by winagain
Under winbox:

Ensure you have servers specified under PPP->PPPOE SERVERS

on the SECRETS tab

PPP Authentication & Accounting -> Ensure Use radius is selected and interim update of your choosing , I use 00:30:00

Which updates every 30min.

Radius - Ensure you have an entry pointing to your usermanager box

service select ppp if using hotspot as well select hotspot
Address: ip of your usermanager box (if it's all on one box use

Shared secret the same as what is defined in user manager router section (IP should match the ip of defined router as well)