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"Please Wait" -- can't access userman web interface

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 4:26 am
by gaspard
Hi there.

RB750 on OS 6.27

We had a user-manager database file of around 4mb.

Figured it was time to clear it since it's all one-time use vouchers anyway

/tool user-manager database clear
/tool user-manager database clear-log

then created the admin (staff) user again using the customer add feature

then tried (router ip address)/userman web page: and it just stops at "Please Wait"
If I give up waiting after a few minutes, and refresh the page it shows the little ascii art progress bar then just stops.

How to I restart the user-manager or radius server components? do I just need to restart the whole routerboard?



Re: "Please Wait" -- can't access userman web interface

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 7:30 pm
by hossain2004a
Are you able to enter your Username and Password or when you enter

you even can't access it?

Did you change your Radius setting in RB?

U wanna reset UM?

just delete it's package and install the package again.

Re: "Please Wait" -- can't access userman web interface

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 11:04 am
by zeeshan002
but the users didn't come back. When I clicket to routers> New and typed the ip adress I got an error. Ip address already used. I had to take the mikrotik out of the network at the moment users are connecting to WiFi without password. how can I fix this? Can I recover this users from the database? there are more than thousand vouchers. Thanks.

Re: "Please Wait" -- can't access userman web interface

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 11:09 am
by hossain2004a
You're only able to recover your users if you have backup and there is no otherway.
if you wanna set ROUTER in UM, make sure no one is connected to hotspot. then try it.
And if it says IP is already used so just check if there is any "" or not.
AND I should note that the UM is written but damn CSS codes. so always there is caching problem. make sure you cleared your browser's cache. also you can check in your terminal.
let me know the results :D