Fri Mar 20, 2015 5:12 am
I'am beginning to think that this issue has to do with the most recent RC build 6.28rc14 and the latest Sierra Firmware released for the MC7700 In December (Release13-SWI9200X_03.05.29.03)..
For some reason the Modem is getting stuck initiating so it locks the unit which is the reason for the error message!. I even tried my the Mini-PCi card in one of those USB adapters and used it in the USB port and got the same error!
*** The issue as I suspected is that the LATEST Sierra firmware Version SWI9200M_3.5-Release13-SWI9200X_03.05.29.03 released in December 2014 is the reason behind the modem getting stuck in the init stage. Version SWI9200X_03.05.20.03 which was a previous version released in November is working fine after I downgraded my modem. Not sure what changes have caused this latest firmware not to be compatible with routerboard!