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yagi station and ap driving me nuts

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 3:38 am
by goofyz76
i saw a building that had three 900 mhz AP's sectors on each corner of the building, i have one tower with a 900mhz yagi as a station and a 900mhz sector for the AP, we can get 20 megs to the the station on the works but we only get barley 3 megs to go threw the AP? the system is running on a Bridge.... Im wondering how can we get this to work the right way, im looking for do we get the wlans to not interfere with each other?

Re: yagi station and ap driving me nuts

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 1:45 am
by goofyz76
can anyone help out plz

Re: yagi station and ap driving me nuts

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2015 8:21 pm
by goofyz76
how about this way....if u have a tower with a rb433 first wlan card is station mode....second card is ap do u separate each wlan so they don't interfere with each other....besides separating channels and one card is on a and the other is b

Re: yagi station and ap driving me nuts

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 1:37 am
by ZeroByte
You're going to need at least a channel's width of spectrum between them as well - don't forget about side-lobe interference. Basically, even though wlan1 is listening on channel A and wlan2 is transmitting on channel B, if the two radios are close together physically, and channel B is adjacent (in the spectrum) to channel A, then A is going to be getting strong interference from B.

Separate the radios in both space and frequency.
If you have to use two routerboards and connect them with cat5 ethernet, just so you can get a few meters of space between them, it's going to help a lot.