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Is this an HACK Attempt

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 7:52 pm
by zimbola
Greetings Friends
I have setup few firewall rules and preferred to log.
My log files shows as figure below am i being scanned, pinged, hacked ?
Also i never login via SSH/Telnet i use only winbox and the log is saying "logged in via telnet" any thing wrong or this is an normal behavior.

Re: Is this an HACK Attempt

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 8:00 pm
by ZeroByte
All of those ICMP messages are "port unreachable" from various public IPs to which then got NAT to destination

Basically, it looks like perhaps did a traceroute to somewhere, or possibly it tried to access this set of IP addresses on some UDP service they're not listening on (which is how traceroute does its "pings" by the way).

The telnet logins were from - which is the same machine that generated these port unreachable messages. Since winbox terminal session shows up as a telnet session, that could still be you. Do you know if that was the IP of your workstation at the time shown?

Re: Is this an HACK Attempt

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 9:27 am
by TomosRider
ICMP type 3/ code 3 means destination unreachable. Since you have user logged from that address, i suppose that this is ok.

Re: Is this an HACK Attempt

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 9:56 am
by zimbola
ok Thank you for the information.
Yes ZeroByte that's my IP Address.
But i'm puzzled it should say connected via winbox NOT Telnet.
Might it be a bug ?

Re: Is this an HACK Attempt

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 5:53 pm
by ZeroByte
ok Thank you for the information.
Yes ZeroByte that's my IP Address.
But i'm puzzled it should say connected via winbox NOT Telnet.
Might it be a bug ?
Did you open a terminal window while using winbox? That shows up as a telnet session.

Go look in system > users > active users while you're in winbox.
Open a terminal window.

Re: Is this an HACK Attempt

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2015 1:20 pm
by zimbola
Thanks ZeroByte
Now I got it 8)
It's the Terminal window that i opened while connecting via winbox.
Feeling Enlightened :D