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bind ip address with mac address??

Thu Jul 13, 2006 10:44 am

Hi,I'm abig newbie,so excuse me if i sound stupid.I'm sure i am.
What i want to know,is there a way to specify that any user who tries to login with ip,say, must do so with a specified MAC address,that he supplied and we save somewhere in miktrotik.

In other words,we supply clients with an ip range,that they use to access the router.Say I give ip to user A.I want to bind this ip to him through his MAC address,to prohibit User B to just enter User A's ip range into his PC and download on User A's account.

Thank you for any replies,and sorry if its vague...
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Thu Jul 13, 2006 11:28 am

baddah,Static ARP table is one of the common ways to enable IP-MAC security. ... _using_ARP
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bind ip address with mac address??

Sat Jul 15, 2006 7:55 pm

I need a little info on exactly what you run on your router. I hae a hotspot implemented on my router and from the IP binding I can do an IP-Mac binding. Secondly, you can use static ARP. Third, if you have a DHCP server running, then you can also do static binding too.

Give me an insight into what you want to achieve.
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Mon Jul 17, 2006 8:42 am

We have a lot of clients on a router,each one gets assigned a static IP.mostly an /30 or /29 range of ips,so basically each user sits on his one little network.At the moment any client can set his PC's ip to any valid ip on the router and it will work.I would like to prohibit this by binding this static IP range to his MAC Address(es) so that only that MAC's can use the assigned IP's.I'll play around with ARP,just a bit afraid I'm going to break something...
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Mon Jul 17, 2006 9:08 am

1) you cane use safe settings (more can find on forums)
2) if you have fast access to router - you dont have to be afraid - you cannot disable yourself, and if you see that nothign is working (for your test) you can try to search other way round