Tue Aug 08, 2017 9:13 pm
To add to this very old thread for those that search for this:
Most satellite systems use a TCP to XTP process to acknowledge TCP packets locally, then encapsulate them to XTP for the satellite segment to a network controller that then reconstructs the TCP but uses additional processing to detect packet loss in order to help TCP operate as normal as possible by re-transmission of XTP packets.
This is very specialised as mentioned, not the job of end user equipment on a satellite network.
This is usually built in to most satellite modems now so it's not needed by any end user equipment.
IPSec VPN's though will still run extremely slow as they are passed as bascially raw packets over a satellite network.
The only other way to speed up TCP, is to encapsulate it in to UDP packets using a UDP VPN etc... but you'll still run in to error correction issues which will lead to speed issues for any lost UDP packets over the satellite platform.
You're best to stick with the likes of XTP by using a satellite provider that already offers TCP accelleration.