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PPPoE guidline

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 1:07 pm
by cpresto
Hi all,
I have some problems with PPPoE. Suddenly customers began to disconnect form PPPoE server (MK).
All customerns are connected with wireless CPE (OSBridge, linksys with DD-WRT) that includes PPPoE or with PPPoE client (RASPPPoE) on the PC.
Is there a guidline to be followed when PPPoE is used on a wireless network? (bridges MTU, CPE MTU, PC MTU, AP data rate, latency time)
How should I go through my trobleshooting? :(

Best regards

PPPoE guidline

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 11:14 am
by cpresto
Any advice? :(
Thank you

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 11:31 am
by sten
make sure everything in the underlying network works all the time :P

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 11:52 am
by HarvSki
make sure everything in the underlying network works all the time :P
Ah yes! that is were I've been goining wrong, thanks Sten ;)

- set the RTS clients to 512 (for example) to help avoid hidden node issuses (leave defaults on the access point) or if your whole network is MikroTik use nstream with polling.

- make sure every client / wireless link has enough signal and is stable, one dodgy one can possibly destablise the whole network (per AP)

PPPoE guidlines

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 12:39 pm
by cpresto
Thank you Sten/HarvSki,
the network from "radio point of view" seems to be fine.
The problem is that I have some customers that contienes to log on/off my PPPoE concentrator (MK), while I'm stiil able to ping their CPE. :(
MTU is configured at 1452, I'm going crazy.....

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 3:46 pm
by HarvSki
MTU has nothing to do with the PPPoE logging on/off. Sounds like a network relialbility problem to me or maybe the PPPoE client is set to logout if inactive.

Set up a netwatch on the clients IP (if this is static and not to do with the PPPoE connection) at quite a frequent interval and see if that gets disconnects, set up the script event to write to the log.

another option would be to ping the client from the mikrotik command line, the larger the packet the better the network must be to transport it so:
/ping size=1024 count=100
most pings should get through say a <3% loss

PPPoE guidelines

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 4:24 pm
by cpresto
Thank you HarvSki,
please find here below ping results

Starting from MK
100 packets transmitted, 96 packets received, 4% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 32/69.4/799 ms

Starting from my laptop (behind MK)
100 packets transmitted, 100 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 33/50/128 ms

It seems that it performs better behind MK... :?
It seems that netwok performs good, but PPPoE is still up&down...

Any ideas?

Best regards

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 12:31 pm
by jdejansb
One of my users has a problem that Trillian (MSN, ICQ, ...) gets disconnected for a sec. and connected again while on PPPoE connection... Still, pppoe stays connected, no problem... Other users doesn't have that prob...
