First of all, thanks for your good products and functionality.
At these moment our internal network is more or les the next diagram.
In our data infrastructure, all is rendundant (switches, power supplies, hosts, controllers ....).
In our comunications infrastructure we have some redundant ( ineternet connections, and others). Now we want to add a new CORE SWITCH in our data infrasture for redundant links and others.
Is possible to works with loops with CRS226 - RSTP funtionality (hardware/software)? I found in some topics that is not possible with hardware, but I don't understand why can we do with software? Can someone explain how works switch functionalities and bridge?
We want to creates the next diagram
If it is possible and we did these with software RSTP, the normal operation is at wirespeed and only RSTP traffic goes trhought CPU or all goes throught CPU?
Thanks a lot,