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BGP community Tag 0:0

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2015 12:24 pm
by TUNG0407
Dear ALL,

We have connection with IX center, one of ISP set the BGP community tag 0:0 in their IP prefix. But we have other BGP community tag xx:666 for blackhole community. I have add routing filter for community tag 0:0 as accept and set local pref to 210, is it working.
Is there any solution or this is bug?


Re: BGP community Tag 0:0

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2015 9:35 pm
by ZeroByte
Could you re-state the problem?

It sounds like you want to set local_pref to 210 when you see a prefix with community 0:0

What is happening? What does this have to do with your xx:666 black hole community?

Re: BGP community Tag 0:0

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2015 1:46 pm
by techteam

we have MikroTik v6.24 RB1100AHx2 router. and having query on BGP configuration.
Question : we need help on BGP configuration .?

1) our scenarion is we have Two WAN block with two different ISPs on same router.
2) we need to separate both WAN into two Different LAN ports.
3) Lan1 traffic should communicate on Wan1 only and Lan2 traffic should communicate on Wan2 only.
4) when one of the WAN port is down auto failover should work.

Note: Both the IP block (WAN 1 & 2 ) is advertised in both the ISPs.

Re: BGP community Tag 0:0

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 6:34 pm
by StubArea51
Sounds like you may need to start a new topic for this as it doesn't relate to the OP.