ether2-ether5: Native VLAN
ether6-ether9: VLAN 10
ether1 - Trunk port carrying both VLANs - the Native VLAN is untagged and VLAN 10 is tagged
This is how I set it up:
Code: Select all
#Create vlan10 and attach it to the trunk port (ether1)
/interface vlan add name=vlan10 interface=ether1 vlan-id=10
#Create 2 bridges
/interface bridge add name=DEFAULT
/interface bridge add name=VLAN10
#Attach the trunk port to DEFAULT bridge. This basically means anything not tagged on ether1 belongs to the DEFAULT bridge
/interface bridge port add bridge=DEFAULT interface=ether1
#ether2-ether5 are in the DEFAULT bridge
/interface bridge port add bridge=DEFAULT interface=ether2
/interface bridge port add bridge=DEFAULT interface=ether3
/interface bridge port add bridge=DEFAULT interface=ether4
/interface bridge port add bridge=DEFAULT interface=ether5
#ether6-ether9 are in the VLAN10 bridge
/interface bridge port add bridge=VLAN10 interface=ether6
/interface bridge port add bridge=VLAN10 interface=ether7
/interface bridge port add bridge=VLAN10 interface=ether8
/interface bridge port add bridge=VLAN10 interface=ether9
#vlan10 is also in the VLAN10 bridge, which means the MikroTik device knows that even though traffic on ether6-ether9 is untagged, it belongs to vlan10
/interface bridge port add bridge=VLAN10 interface=vlan10
A WAN IP on the Default VLAN
A LAN IP on the Default VLAN
Do NAT between LAN and WAN ip on Default VLAN
Do NAT between LAN and WAN ip on VLAN 10
The problem I'm having is identifying what I should be configuring with a WAN IP, and what I should be configuring with a LAN IP on each VLAN.
From what I understand, the bridge gets configured with a WAN IP and the vlan (in my case "vlan10") gets configured with a LAN IP. Is this correct?
If so, what happens on the Default VLAN where I did not create an actual vlan object on the mikrotik device for? What do I set the LAN IP on in that case?
Note: I've attached a diagram of what I'm trying to do