Hello all,
This is my first post, as I'm digging into rOS for a pilot deployment.
I fail to edit content of big .rsc files in the CLI: a '/file edit filename.rsc content' provides me with an empty content, even-though the file in not empty. If I transfer the file to my laptop I can see and edit normally, but editing right within the rOS CLI doesn't work for large files.
Suspecting my files could be the issue I tested also with files generated by rOS, with same result: files generated by '/system default-configuration print file=default-conf' (8.1KiB) or '/export verbose file=export-verbose' (22.7KiB) also show empty content when usinf /file edit.
A smaller file (3.4KiB), export generated with non verbose export, is editable (although with a blank line between each line).
I'm running RouterOS 6.27 on 951G-2HnD.
I ssh to the box from the standard terminal of OSX 10.10.4 .
In a similar pattern, /file print details also fails to print content of the same 'large' files.
Any clue about what's going on ?