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CPU usage problems in CCR1036 -8G2S and quues tree

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 6:36 pm
by Cantabria
We have a CCR1036 -8G2S that performs the PPPoE server for 800 users and traffic of 150Mbps and a 250Mb peaks . The problem is that when traffic exceeds 200Mb mikrotik puts the processor to 85-90 %. In reviewing the systema profile it indicates that the use of it is due to quees . Then a feeling of slow users which lowers the rate of users and PING time occurs . We would like to confirm that this type of equipment can handle this load larger one is needed , in which case what would ¿?

Re: CPU usage problems in CCR1036 -8G2S and quues tree

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 10:12 pm
by StubArea51
What version of RouterOS are you running and can you post your config?

You should be able to get more than 200 Mbps out of a 1036

Re: CPU usage problems in CCR1036 -8G2S and quues tree

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 1:03 am
by joegoldman
Is there a simple queue per PPP being established? This can certainly put some strain on (as the system is now managing 800 different simple queues) but I wouldn't think it'd hassle it that much.

Are the PPPoE clients getting a public IP or are you NAT'ing them as well?

To be honest, with the low cost of the 1036, it might be beneficial to put 2 in and have them load balance, at least for a short term solution, but I'd imagine it should be able to do more than what you are getting.

Re: CPU usage problems in CCR1036 -8G2S and quues tree

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 9:23 am
by Cantabria
RouterOS is 6.30.1
there is a queue down with 3 subqueues that apply to different users based on an address list. Any node has a queue type and a queue up with same estrcuture.
The IP asigne by pppo3 is public .

Re: CPU usage problems in CCR1036 -8G2S and quues tree

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 4:30 pm
by Muqatil
As stated on this slideshow from Megis, CCR is not optimized for Queue Tree.
Simple queues is prefered on 6.x versions. Might change on 7.x