One of our longest standing issues has finally been uncovered.
Ever since we have used MT from 2.7.x we have noticed that radius accounting was sometimes reading low for very heavy users.
We are now running 2.9.27 PPPoE servers with freeradius and the problem still exists.
The problem is that the MT PPPoE Server ppp byte counters appear to be limited to 32bit, or a maximum of 4294967295. This equates to approx 4.3 gigabytes. When you go past this number THE COUNTER WRAPS BACK TO ZERO !
In laymans terms, what this means is, if you use a radius server with your MT Radius client, and your users use more than 4.3gb per 'radius session' then their session usage will read very low.
EG IF I use 5gb of data in a single radius session, the end result is that only about 700Mb will get accounted for.
Solution: Ensure you impose a 4gb radius session limitation !