Sat Aug 08, 2015 11:41 pm
Because the hAP is intended as an Access Point, not a router. UPnP poses a security risk that needs to be the administrators choice to enable. IPv6 - Well, I don't know. In an Access Point, it's not needed unless the LAN is v6. Most home networks will never be IPv6, as devices on a LAN don't need a public IP. Here, in the USA, few if any ISP have native IPv6. Most are offering a 6to4 or 6rd tunnel. Again, it presents a security risk. As you pointed out, people playing games shouldn't be in the router, and they VERY likely do NOT know how to configure a firewall to protect publicly addressed devices on a LAN. That said, I think it's in the majority's best interest to have UPnP and IPv6 disabled by default. If people *need* them, they can take the responsibility for enabling it.