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Funky smell from 951Ui-2HnD at first start up

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 3:54 pm
by mbfound

We usually get quite a few routers in at a time and then I run our standard config script on them. I have noticed in the last batch we got, that some routers emit an odour when starting up. The one's ether1 even stopped working while another stop working until a reboot and about 2 others that just smelled. A melting plastic'ish smell.

Anybody else experienced this?

Re: Funky smell from 951Ui-2HnD at first start up

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 1:37 am
by Hotz1
I haven't experienced this, though I use second-hand equipment more often than not. Bottom line: things just don't work once you let the Magic Smoke out. 8)

Re: Funky smell from 951Ui-2HnD at first start up

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 4:37 am
by IntrusDave
in *some* situations this is normal. but not yours. Some circuit boards have a water-resistant coating that covers the whole board and electronics and it will smell funny as it off-gasses when it heats up. Mikrotik routers do not have this. If you are smelling something from some of them, then you have a problem. Maybe a power supply that is feeding them too much, or just a batch of routers with some lower quality capacitors. (Capacitors are the most common part on a circuit board to fail) If you often order them in batches, I would consider asking your vendor to return the entire batch and start fresh.

Re: Funky smell from 951Ui-2HnD at first start up

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 1:00 pm
by mbfound
Had another one that failed, most are already out in the field so replacing them is going to be expensive and since we ordered like 90 951s, returning the lot would be an issue. Will just have to do a case by case replacement.

Thanks for the answers guys :)

Re: Funky smell from 951Ui-2HnD at first start up

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2015 2:51 am
by IntrusDave
Ouch! Sorry to hear that. Hopefully the ones that have been running for some time now will just keep running. May be a good idea to keep a few on hand to swap in so you don't have down time. I try to keep one of each deployed unit on hand. In addition, all of my managed units are remotely backed-up every night.

Re: Funky smell from 951Ui-2HnD at first start up

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 10:37 pm
by xunil76
you sure you didn't get the new RE951Ui-2HnD? RE, as in Rotten Egg? :D

Re: Funky smell from 951Ui-2HnD at first start up

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2016 7:46 pm
by drdedus
I get 2 units 951g and 951ui .
both have a bad smell but especially in 951ui the smell it so strong.
It is like a burned power supply but it so strong.
From the shop they said it is normall and 951 usually smells like burned plastic.
Is it nornal?

Re: Funky smell from 951Ui-2HnD at first start up

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 10:14 pm
by mbfound
I get 2 units 951g and 951ui .
both have a bad smell but especially in 951ui the smell it so strong.
It is like a burned power supply but it so strong.
From the shop they said it is normall and 951 usually smells like burned plastic.
Is it nornal?
I've noticed this with most 951UIs I've gotten from now on, not sure if manufacturing has been changed somewhere but no failures other than the first one (so far)

Re: Funky smell from 951Ui-2HnD at first start up

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 10:22 pm
by chechito
is normal in many equipment, in mikrotik devices is very little

i had another devices with very strong smell at the first power up, specially power supply's